I had one of those weekends where I wished it were still Sunday. It started out with dinner on Friday night with Stef. We caught up on dating stories (or lack thereof!) and trying different “scenes” in LA…Stef’s now my partner in crime for No Gym Thursday. I crashed pretty early after watching What not to Wear (the best show ever!). Saturday morning I hit the beach for an hour walk. It was cold and crisp and felt great to be outside…I realized how much I miss my Strand walks after being sick last week.
Saturday afternoon I had my last training session with Ms. Bootcamp. I was still feeling groggy even after my morning walk, so I had to mentally psyche myself up beforehand. It was a tough workout, but not too exhausting. The kinesis machine is perfect for combining strength training with a little bit of cardio. I was feeling great afterwards and did another half hour of core training, 10 minutes on the stairmaster (the one that has real steps…I climbed 50 floors!), and 30 minutes on the elliptical. I set a record of being at the gym for 2 and a half hours…now that’s crazy good!
Duyen and I had plans to go out in Manhattan Beach for dinner and to our favorite martini bar that night, so I did a little shopping beforehand. I was bummed after trying on a zillion things in the Guess store and nothing fit. That’s the worst feeling, especially after a tough workout earlier. I shook it off and headed to Brass Plum and found the cutest pair of black skinny jeans and a few accessories. I paired the jeans with a trendy top and black heels and felt really great before heading out.
Dinner was hilarious and annoying at the same time. 3 overly loud Italian guys were sitting next to us at the bar and proceeded to serenade us with Dean Martin songs. It was super embarrassing because the tiny restaurant was packed, but somehow really charming at the same time. Wayne, our strikingly handsome bartender, made a magical drink out of champagne and Chambord. As it bubbled over, Johnny H (yep, that was the Italian’s name) said that it meant I would have good luck (hmmmm…). I felt like I was on vacation in my own town.
The Italians were a little too rowdy, so we left and headed over to Upper Manhattan. I was instantly attracted to a cute guy sitting at the bar and we ended up talking for the rest of the night. His name is Jeff, and it just so happens that he lives a few blocks from my apartment. Anyway, he invited me to breakfast Sunday morning…I’ll admit that I was a little overwhelmed by it all…it’s been a while since I’ve had that butterfly feeling...see egg photo :) During breakfast we tried to come up with names for the restaurant’s naming contest. Since our omelettes were terrible, Jeff suggested “Mediyolkre.” He he he. Genius : ) As he dropped me off, I realized how much I wanted to see him again. So later that night I sent a text thanking him. [Cheesy alert]: he replied back, “Glad you didn’t think it was mediyolkre.” So cute, so I replied, “It was eggscellent…hope we can do it eggain soon.” Now I’m crossing my fingers for a 2nd date. Aaagh…the agony of dating. I’m going to channel all of this nervous energy into my workouts this week.
Saturday afternoon I had my last training session with Ms. Bootcamp. I was still feeling groggy even after my morning walk, so I had to mentally psyche myself up beforehand. It was a tough workout, but not too exhausting. The kinesis machine is perfect for combining strength training with a little bit of cardio. I was feeling great afterwards and did another half hour of core training, 10 minutes on the stairmaster (the one that has real steps…I climbed 50 floors!), and 30 minutes on the elliptical. I set a record of being at the gym for 2 and a half hours…now that’s crazy good!
Duyen and I had plans to go out in Manhattan Beach for dinner and to our favorite martini bar that night, so I did a little shopping beforehand. I was bummed after trying on a zillion things in the Guess store and nothing fit. That’s the worst feeling, especially after a tough workout earlier. I shook it off and headed to Brass Plum and found the cutest pair of black skinny jeans and a few accessories. I paired the jeans with a trendy top and black heels and felt really great before heading out.
Dinner was hilarious and annoying at the same time. 3 overly loud Italian guys were sitting next to us at the bar and proceeded to serenade us with Dean Martin songs. It was super embarrassing because the tiny restaurant was packed, but somehow really charming at the same time. Wayne, our strikingly handsome bartender, made a magical drink out of champagne and Chambord. As it bubbled over, Johnny H (yep, that was the Italian’s name) said that it meant I would have good luck (hmmmm…). I felt like I was on vacation in my own town.
The Italians were a little too rowdy, so we left and headed over to Upper Manhattan. I was instantly attracted to a cute guy sitting at the bar and we ended up talking for the rest of the night. His name is Jeff, and it just so happens that he lives a few blocks from my apartment. Anyway, he invited me to breakfast Sunday morning…I’ll admit that I was a little overwhelmed by it all…it’s been a while since I’ve had that butterfly feeling...see egg photo :) During breakfast we tried to come up with names for the restaurant’s naming contest. Since our omelettes were terrible, Jeff suggested “Mediyolkre.” He he he. Genius : ) As he dropped me off, I realized how much I wanted to see him again. So later that night I sent a text thanking him. [Cheesy alert]: he replied back, “Glad you didn’t think it was mediyolkre.” So cute, so I replied, “It was eggscellent…hope we can do it eggain soon.” Now I’m crossing my fingers for a 2nd date. Aaagh…the agony of dating. I’m going to channel all of this nervous energy into my workouts this week.
Haha, I definitely need to get Webster some little kitty shoes, that's on the agenda for next weekend!
It sounds like you had a GREAT weekend, 2.5 hours in the gym, WOW! The egg jokes are hilarious, that's great that you guys hit it off so well! Hopefully there's a second-date sooon. Until then, definitely challenge your extra energy into the gym :-)
Thanks for the tips on classes...I should definitely try spinning. Oh, you asked about strength training a while back. I love lifting weights and using the ball for core workouts. My previous trainer posted easy to follow video clips on Diet.com. After signing up for a free account, you go to Tools and then workout builder. You can mix and match the exercises for a personalized routine. Kinda fun too!
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