I started taking the commuter bus to work again (my car’s in the shop, so I pretty much had to!). The great part is that it picks up a block from my apartment, it’s free (employer pays), and I get some exercise in. The bad part is that I have to walk 8 blocks through the scummy part of downtown in the evening. And the air quality is really bad on warm days...by the time I reach the bus stop, I feel like a walking exhaust pipe. I can’t complain too much though, because I was able to get a great view of the sunset as the bus followed the coast towards home. I was pretty worn out and sore tonight so I had dinner and went to bed early. I tried Greek yogurt…ick. Too sour for my taste, even with berries mixed in. Oh, and go Team Black!
First of all, I love your blog! You are SO inspiring, I wish I had your discipline!!! Plus, I think we live in the same neck of the woods :)
Also, have you tried fat free flavored Greek yogurt?? It's much sweeter than the original flavor, I really like both honey & pomegranate mixed with fruit or a little cereal... It has a lot more protein than regular yogurt and about 110-120 calories. I get it at Trader Joes, but I've seen it at Fresh & Easy too. Just be sure to get the 0% fat, because they also have full & 2% which are far more caloric.
i like to put honey / agave nectar in my greek yogurt it sweetens it right up :)
Thanks for the yogurt tips...I'll try it again :)
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