Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crazy Good

I didn’t work out Monday, so I turned up it up a notch for my workout last night. I got to the gym at 7:15 and left at 9:30! I rocked my way through 80 minutes of strength training (10 min stretching, 20 min core, 30 min free weights, and 20 min kinesis). Since I don’t want to spend more money on training sessions, I vowed to pump up the cardio on my own. I started with a 5 minute warmup run and climbed 50 floors on the stairmaster. The last 5 floors were excruciating!!! There is something about this realistic stairclimbing machine that kicks my butt every time. I finished it off with 30 min on the elliptical. I love pushing myself after a recharge day…it usually turns out to be a “crazy good” workout.

OMG! I was able to RUN for 5 minutes on the treadmill without discomfort. This seems like hardly anything at all, but my knees are damaged from training too hard at age 16 and having a running injury that same year during the Hood to Coast Relay. Usually when I run for 3-5 minutes, one of my knees will start to lock up. I would give anything to be able to run long distance again, but I know it may not ever happen…I’ve had multiple trainers, X-Rays, PT, etc. So tonight was another small victory : )

Aside from training, I’m loving my fit & fresh containers…so fun and easy to pack healthy snacks. The only problem is I usually chow through them by 11am! That’s ok though ‘cause I’m started to cut back what I’m eating in the afternoon and evening. I prefer to work out really hard, so I’m not too worried about my calorie intake. It’s more about eating all healthy stuff and fewer processed snacks. I have to admit that this process is HARD...completely changing the way I'm eating, pushing myself to the max at the gym, and prepping food a lot. But it's really really satisfying to have more energy and start to see changes! I love this poster...check it out : )


Amber said...

Oh wow! That is an intense workout. Good job. I start to get antsy after about 90 minutes in the gym so that's the longest I've ever stuck it out! haha. I think I'm going to have to take tonight off though, I'm not feeling good at all. It sucks, I hate taking days off working out but I don't want to get sicker and have to take a whole week off!

Anonymous said...

80 minutes of strength training -- that's some stamina!
figuring out how many snacks to bring/when to eat them is such a challenge ... the solution to which seems to change every day!

Anonymous said...

great workout :) sounds like youre really loving your lifestyle, im so happy for you!