We had our 2nd date (gasp!) on Monday night. He texted me to say, "I'm packed and ready for my trip. Cancel your plans tonight because I'm coming down to see you." Wow. Now that's what a girl likes to hear : ) It's been a while since I've had REAL dates...sometimes I think that dating is old news. I tend to meet more guys through friends of friends, vball, etc. Nevertheless, it's nice to meet a guy who knows HOW to date, as funny as that sounds. He brought over wine, homemade hazelnut beer, and a little gift. I told him that my hands are calloused from weights at the gym, and he brought a pair of pink weight lifting gloves...wow....this guy is super thoughtful. He checked out my new beach pad and we cracked open the beers. Any guy who loves seafood is a "catch", and we had a relaxing dinner on the harbor : ) We finished it off with listening to the waves over wine at my place.
So this is where I'm supposed to have butterflies and can't stop thinking about him. Ummm...nope. So this is where I play 80s love songs and walk around with a smile all day? Nah. And I'm looking at my phone every minute? Negative. Unfortunately I'm not into him, which is annoying considering the fact that he did ALL the right things a guy should do. It's a combination of things...I'm not that attracted to him, our personalities are almost TOO MUCH alike (we're both perfectionists), and there are significant cultural differences. So at this point I'm wondering how many frogs do I have to kiss before Mr. Right comes along? I'm proud of myself about keeping an open mind and letting things happen...I've had enough bad dates to know that this is closer to what I'm looking for in a guy. Someone who's spontaneous, can call his own shots/take charge, and is fit, funny, and smart. So I'm dedicating this post to Mark, the guy who reminded me that they are out there and sometimes frogs aren't so bad either.
How many frogs did y'all have to kiss before finding a good one?
what an honest post. thanks for opening yourself to us. love and lasting relationships come when you least expect it -- it's one of god's many little blessings. hang in there.
Well I guess there were a few. But one thing for sure, when your prince comes, you will know.Thanks for stopping by Beach Vintage and leaving a comment.xx
Awww, that's too bad, but if the chemistry isn't there, it isn't there right! I am with my high school sweetheart and even though I love him to death I sometimes wish I was living up the fabulous single life. I guess we always want what we can't have hey...
Also, post some pics of your new beach pad!!! :P
Honestly, when I first met my boyfriend I wasn't sure that I was that into him. Of course, this fall will be our 3rd anniversary. So maybe give Mark a chance? It might develop into something more. Of course, there is a line where you've already given him a chance and it really isn't going to work. Unfortunately I can't pinpoint that.
Ah!! What a great post! You never know who is waiting around the corner - I had NO idea and purposely tried not to meet Jeff and ended up in love and engaged to him!
:) Kiss as many frogs as you can!
I happen to have some insight on this...it could just be the breakup talking, but I've been on a couple of dates since then that most would consider great. The guys were cute, smart, nice--what I've been looking for all this time. But there was just no SPARK. I think it's a mark of maturity and confidence when we can turn down that kind of affection and attention because it isn't RIGHT. Look at this way...you may have to kiss a few more frogs before you find your prince, but hey, at least you don't have to kiss them more than once.
Sorry, I confused "comment" with "book". Point is, he's out there, so you don't need to settle!
Awwww! I was hoping for a happy ending, but I guess that in a way it is! You can't give up, that's for sure :)
I haven't had to kiss that many frogs to tell you the truth, but before finding John, I definitely kiss an AWFUL frog...which made me really appreciate John :)
I bet you that once you find your prince, it will have been worth the wait :)
I think this may be wrong.
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