I'm loving the latest post over at http://wideopenspaces.squarespace.com/. I realized that I hardly ever take the time to truly relax. When I was little I used to sit in my bean bag chair and read books for hours. These days I can't tell you the last book I read (although I've purchased plenty that are gathering dust on my bookshelf). If I'm not at work, I'm rushing to the gym, going out with friends, or planning my next adventure. The days of craft projects, movies/popcorn on a Friday night, and a long nap have been replaced with LA traffic, rushed shopping trips, and hurrying to meet friends for a night out.
Now that I've moved into a quiet little place, I need to slow down. I need to stop worrying about what I'll be missing out on if I stay in for the night, put my new chaise to use, and watch life at the beach pass by. So this weekend I'm literally forcing myself to take some downtime...I have a few projects I need to work on and I'll definitely be sleeping in. And I'm going to try not to feel like I'm missing out on something...I've had enough fruity drinks to know that a night out will be much more appreciated when I stay in for a few. All these non-ambitious plans might be thrown out the window if fun plans come up, but at least I'll have made an attempt! When the world is rushing all around you, what do you do to take a step back & relax (workouts not included!)?
Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend plan, it's always nice to sit back and relax every once in a while!
I usually include workouts, even on the most relaxing of weekends, but I try to switch it up. I'll do yoga or run outside instead of go to the gym!
it sure sounds like you have an amazing weekend ahead of you. I couldn't agree more about the value of staying in. I really hope you get your much deserved time to yourself this weekend =)
Your new condo (it's a condo right?) seems like the PERFECT place to relax :) I love it when you make the place you're living in really feel like home :)
wonderful plans! Relaxation is so very important just as exercise is. I try to meditate, play suduko, or rock out to tunes.
a) love your new layout
b) love your new title
c) love your weekend plans and wish i had a weekend similar! :)
Have a great relaxing weekend! By the way, my fav magazines are 'Country Style", "Donna Hay Kids" and "Real Living". Thanks so much, Simone
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